Through the years of Junior High and High School there is a significant time frame for teenagers to find their identity and where they belong. Between the pressures within themselves and the outside pressures of the world, it is harder than ever for teenagers to have a clear view of what is truth. Here at First Baptist Church of Auburn, our student ministry believes that God’s word has the ability to shape a believer’s life into who God has called them to be, and equip them to accomplish their God-ordained purpose in this world. (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We want our students to not only understand who Jesus is, but through the knowledge of Jesus, come to understand who they are in Him. Our desire is for them to be transformed by the word of God, grow with other peers in their relationship with Jesus, and learn to display the love of Jesus everywhere they go.

“Movement Youth” is our High School and Junior High Ministry. Our vision is to empower the younger generation with the reality of who God is and who He has called them to be, so they can passionately live for Him and impact the world around them with His love. We believe that a deeper love for God will lead to a deeper love for His people and a deeper love for God’s word will lead to a life that longs to live it out. Our goal on Wednesday nights is to provide a safe and fun environment for students to play games, fellowship, worship, and study God’s word, all for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). We desire to build relationships with students that last long after they have left our ministry and hope for them to have their own authentic, personal walk with God.


Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Nights

Youth Sunday School

9:00-10:00 am

Join us as we study through the Book of John!
Movement Youth

6:15 - 8:30 pm

Join us for games, worship, and discipleship!


Movement Youth exists to move people towards Jesus Christ. We get this mission from the Bible. Our desire is to see students, specifically, grow closer to Jesus, and our strategy comes straight out of the Bible. When we read the Bible, we see that God's strategy is to teach, train, and transform people through His written word, by His Holy Spirit that applies that word to hearts. We teach students the word of God, train them up in the knowledge of God, and pray that they would be transformed by the Spirit of God. The Bible is the primary tool in everything we do. Everything we do is centered around the word of God, in order to glorify God. Each time we gather this community of Christian students, we intend to preach the Bible, in order to train up leaders for the Kingdom of God.

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