Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We consider it a great privilege to serve you and your family. It's our hope that we have created a fun, exciting environment where your kids can experience God, and help you make church a place where your kids can't wait to go each week! Our Children's Church program begins in our Sunday Morning Worship Service where the kids (3 years - 6th Grade) join with their families and the rest of the congregation in worship. Prior the offering portion of our service, kids are released to their classes where they can be taught about the Lord, using the "Answers in Genesis" curriculum. Our teachers love children and we hope your kids will love being a part of our children's program as well.

Sunday Mornings
At 10:15 am on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month
Children from first through sixth grade are invited to stay in the sanctuary during the worship part of our
service with their family. Prior to the offering, they will be dismissed to go upstairs to participate in our Children's Church program. Your kids will have a great time singing, hearing a story from the Bible, and doing various crafts with our wonderful group of caring teachers and helpers.
service with their family. Prior to the offering, they will be dismissed to go upstairs to participate in our Children's Church program. Your kids will have a great time singing, hearing a story from the Bible, and doing various crafts with our wonderful group of caring teachers and helpers.