"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 28:19
Our God is a missionary God. He sent His Son into the world as the first missionary and commanded His disciples to go into all the world (Matt 28:18-20; John 3:16; Acts 1:8). First Baptist Church of Auburn is committed to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost and dying world. We partner with missionaries in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, India, Israel, and North America because we believe it is critical for them to hear about the life-giving message of salvation (Rom 10:14). We engage in short-term missions trips to help support and encourage our missionaries all over the world and to help facilitate the spread of God's Word.
Meet Our Missionaries

Jack and Judi Cohen
Friends of Israel
Jack and Judy work in Israel among the Jewish people. We cannot publish their picture on our website due to current tensions and persecution in Israel. If you would like more information, visit the missions alcove in our church.

Mark & Debbie Christopher
South Africa
Mark and Debbie Christopher work with Exalting Christ Ministries in Cape Town, South Africa.

Jose and Maria Esparza
Cuidad Morelos
Jose and Maria Esparza founded Missions Baptist, Faith & Hope Ministries in Cuidad Morelos in Mexico.

Leo Hobbs
Cru Missionary
Leo Hobbs works with international students on campuses in the Sacramento area.

Gideon Manda
Malawi, Africa
Gideon is the Pastor at Anchor Bible Church in Malawi, Africa.

Mc Joster Mwalweni
Malawi, Africa
MC Joster is the Pastor at Chibavi Baptist Church in Malawi, Africa.

Paulo & Ireni Mota
Sao Paulo
Paulo and Ireni serve in Restoration Ministries, which is associated with World Venture Ministries in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

India Partnership
At FBC, we have an India partnership with a collective of individuals who work to prevent the human trafficking of children in the lowest castes of India. They believe that the solution to this problem involves the overall transformation of the culture and communities that accept child trafficking as a normal way of life.

Acres of Hope
Auburn, Ca
Acres of Hope provides a safe family environment and a healthy living program for women with children that sets the foundation of change and breaks the cycle of homelessness.

Gideons International
Global Ministry
Gideons International is an evangelical Christian association founded in 1899 in Wisconsin. The Gideons' primary activity is distributing copies of the Bible free of charge. This Bible distribution is a worldwide enterprise taking place in around 200 countries, territories and possessions.

The Salvation Army
Global Ministry
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Join the mission
Interested in our next missions trip? Please contact our office.
The Lord Jesus has instructed His people to "Go and make disciples of all the nations," and we take those words seriously (Matt 28:19-20). We would love to partner with you to bring the Gospel to our city, our communities, and to the ends of the earth.